How To Consume Ceremonial Cacao?

Cacao has been revered for centuries by ancient civilizations, especially in Central and South America. Known as “the food of the gods,” this powerful plant has been used in spiritual and ceremonial practices to open the heart, enhance meditation, and deepen connection with oneself and the world.

As the popularity of cacao ceremonies continues to rise globally, many people are curious about how to consume ceremonial cacao in a way that honours its rich history and spiritual significance. So, read this article, we will explore how to consume ceremonial cacao, the different ways to prepare it, and the benefits it offers.

How To Consume Ceremonial Cacao?

Ceremonial cacao is not just a simple beverage but a ritual that invites you to slow down, set intentions, and savour the experience. Consuming ceremonial cacao involves a mindful approach that incorporates the senses and spirit. Here’s how you can make the most of your cacao journey:

  • Choose High-Quality Ceremonial Cacao: Not all cacao is created equal. Ceremonial cacao is sourced from ancient strains of cacao trees, grown sustainably, and processed minimally to retain its natural properties. Look for cacao that is labelled as “ceremonial grade” and ensure that it is ethically sourced and processed with care.
  • Set Your Intention: Before you prepare your cacao, take a moment to set an intention for your ceremony. This could be anything from seeking clarity on a specific issue, opening your heart, fostering creativity, or simply practising gratitude. Setting an intention helps to focus your mind and align your energies with the sacred qualities of cacao.
  • Prepare Your Space: Create a calm and inviting space for your cacao ceremony. Light candles, play soft music or diffuse essential oils that promote relaxation. This environment helps you connect more deeply with the experience and enter a state of mindfulness.
  • Measure Your Cacao Dose: For a ceremonial dose, measure around 1 to 1.5 ounces (28 to 42 grams) of cacao per person. Adjust the quantity based on your personal preference and sensitivity. Remember, cacao is potent, and a smaller dose can also provide a profound experience.
  • Heat Your Water or Milk: Warm up some water or plant-based milk until it’s hot but not boiling. Boiling can destroy some of the beneficial compounds in cacao. The liquid should be warm enough to melt the cacao but not scalding.
  • Mix and Blend: Add your measured cacao into the warm liquid and stir continuously until it is completely melted. For a smoother texture, you can use a blender to mix your cacao. This method also creates a frothy, delicious drink.
  • Optional Add-Ins: You can add spices like cinnamon, cayenne, or vanilla to enhance the flavour and complement the natural bitterness of the cacao. Some people also add a natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup, but traditional ceremonies often use cacao in its purest form.
  • Sip Slowly and Mindfully: As you drink your cacao, take small sips and savour each one. Notice the taste, the warmth, and how it makes you feel. Reflect on your intention and allow the cacao to open your heart and mind. Consuming ceremonial cacao is as much about the journey as it is about the drink itself.
  • Integration: After finishing your cacao, spend some time in meditation, journaling, or gentle movement. This integration period allows you to absorb the experience fully and honour the journey you’ve undertaken with the cacao.

The Different Ways To Prepare Ceremonial Cacao

While the traditional method of preparing ceremonial cacao involves simply mixing it with warm water, there are several variations you can explore to suit your personal preferences and enhance the experience.

  • Traditional Cacao Elixir: The simplest and most authentic way to prepare ceremonial cacao is by mixing it with hot water. This method preserves the natural, earthy flavour of cacao and its potent effects. To prepare, dissolve your cacao in hot water, stir well, and consume slowly with intention.
  • Cacao with Plant-Based Milk: For those who prefer a creamier texture, mixing ceremonial cacao with plant-based milk, such as almond, coconut, or oat milk, can provide a delicious alternative. The milk adds a subtle sweetness and a rich texture that complements the natural bitterness of cacao. Simply heat the milk, add your cacao, and blend until smooth.
  • Spiced Cacao: Adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, or cayenne can enhance the flavour profile of your cacao drink and offer additional health benefits. Cinnamon can help balance blood sugar levels, cayenne can boost metabolism, and cardamom and nutmeg can provide digestive benefits. Experiment with different spices to find the combination that resonates with you.
  • Cacao Smoothie: For a refreshing twist, consider blending your ceremonial cacao with fruits like bananas or berries, along with some ice and a dash of plant-based milk. This variation makes a great morning or midday pick-me-up that is both energizing and satisfying.
  • Meditative Cacao Shots: If you’re short on time but still want to experience the benefits of ceremonial cacao, you can make a concentrated cacao shot. Use a smaller amount of liquid to create a rich, potent drink that you can consume quickly. This is also a great option if you’re looking to microdose with cacao throughout the day.

Benefits Of Consuming Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial cacao is not just a delicious beverage; it is packed with nutrients and compounds that offer a range of benefits for the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Heart-Opening and Emotional Healing: One of the most profound effects of ceremonial cacao is its ability to open the heart. The compound theobromine, found in cacao, is a natural heart stimulant, which can enhance feelings of openness and connection. This makes cacao a powerful tool for emotional healing and processing.
  • Enhanced Focus and Clarity: Cacao contains a variety of compounds that can enhance mental clarity and focus, including caffeine and theobromine. Unlike the jittery energy that coffee can sometimes provide, cacao offers a more sustained and balanced form of stimulation, making it ideal for meditation, creative work, or any activity that requires concentration.
  • Rich in Antioxidants and Nutrients: Cacao is loaded with antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals and oxidative stress. It is also rich in magnesium, which supports muscle and nerve function, and flavonoids, which are known to improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.
  • Mood Enhancer: The consumption of cacao can boost mood and create feelings of joy and well-being. It contains phenylethylamine (PEA), often called the “love molecule,” which can increase feelings of happiness and pleasure. Additionally, cacao stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of well-being and happiness.
  • Supports Spiritual Growth: Many people use ceremonial cacao as a tool for spiritual growth and exploration. Its heart-opening properties can enhance meditation, promote introspection, and foster a deeper connection with oneself and the universe. It is often used in rituals and ceremonies as a way to facilitate spiritual awakening and transformation.


Ceremonial cacao is a powerful plant medicine that has been used for centuries to promote healing, spiritual growth, and personal transformation. By consuming ceremonial cacao with intention and mindfulness, you can tap into its profound benefits for the mind, body, and spirit.

Whether you choose to prepare it in its traditional form or experiment with different recipes, the most important thing is to approach the experience with an open heart and a willingness to explore the depths of your inner self. As you incorporate ceremonial cacao into your life, you may find it becomes a sacred ally in your journey toward self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

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